Prairie Sand Reed
Variety | Goshen |
Planting Rate | 4 to 7 PLS LBS per Acre |
Plant Height | 2 to 5 FT |
Seed Count | 274,000 Seeds per Pound |
Botanical Name | Calamotivita longifolia |
Life Cycle | Perennial |
Environment | Full Sun |
Preferred Sites | Dry-Sandy _ Well-Drained Soils |
Grazing Value | Good with Moderate Rotational Grazing |
Prairie Sandreed is a tall-growing, warm-season perennial grass. It grows between 2 and 5 feet in height. It is a sod-forming grass.
AREA OF ADAPTATION: This species is common to the sandy rangeland of Central and Eastern Colorado. It is native to the Great Plains. The grass is found at elevations from 2,000 to 6,000 feet. It has strong drought resistance and occurs in the 10 to 12 inch.
PLANTING: Drill the seed 1-inch deep in sandy soils and less when in medium textured soils. Seed at a rate of 4 to 7 PLS LBS per acre for rangeland purposes. The best time to seed is in early to mid-spring, or before the two-month period most favorable for good germination and establishment. Dormant seedings after November 1st have proven very successful.
MANAGEMENT: Prairie Sandreed is used for grazing and hay. Occasionally, it is seeded in warm-season grass mixtures for sandy soils. This grass is best managed by moderate continuous grazing or rotation grazing in the summer or year round. Goshen, Prairie Sandreed is an improved variety adapted to Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, and Western Kansas.