Prairie Aster

Plant Height 5-20 Inches
Seed Count 400,000 Seeds per LB
Botanical Name Machaeranthera tanacetifolia
Life Cycle Annual
Environment Full Sun
Preferred Sites Sandy Loam Soils _ Upland/Grassland
Bloom Period August-October
Flower Color Purple
Pollinator Value Good


Prairie Aster


Prairie aster, also known as tansy aster or Tahoka Daisy, is a lower growing annual forb that is native to the southwest and central portions of the United States, but can be grown just about anywhere given proper growing conditions.


  • Very good drought tolerance
  • Prefers mesic to dry soils with good drainage
  • Grows in full sun
  • Mature heights to two feet
  • Blooms June to August with purple flower and yellow centers
  • Annual forb that can re-seed for growth the following years and beyond


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