Excel II Sorghum Sudangrass
Variety | Excel II |
Planting Rate | DRILLED - 13-24 LBS/AC-Dryland _ DRILLED - 22-32 LBS/AC-Irrigated |
Plant Height | 6-8 ft. |
Seed Count | 19,000 Seeds per LB |
Yield | 6-10 Tons per Acre |
Maturity | 70 days to mid bloom – 95 day maturity |
Life Cycle | Annual |
Environment | Full Sun |
Preferred Sites | Irrigated-Dryland |
Grazing Value | Very Good - Rotational / Continuous |
Excel II Sorghum Sudangrass
Excel II Sorghum Sudangrass is a small-seeded hybrid variety that has a proven track record in meeting demands of the High Plains cattle producer. This multi-cut hybrid will perform over a wide range of environmental conditions.
- Good seedling vigor and drought tolerance
- Excellent re-growth after grazing
- Allow plant to reach a minimum of 24 inches before grazing
- Rotational grazing encouraged before plant is grazed to 8 inches
- Cut for hay after heights of 24 inches
- Optimum haying between 24 and 36 inches
- Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN) reduction possible if hayed at maturity
- Soil temperatures of 60 degrees needed for optimum germination
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