Compass Plant

Plant Height 5-8 FT
Seed Count 11,000 Seeds per Pound
Botanical Name Silphium laciniatum
Life Cycle Perennial
Environment Full Sun
Preferred Sites Mesic to Dry Soils _ Upland/Grassland - Disturbed
Bloom Period July-September
Flower Color Yellow
Pollinator Value Very Good


Compass Plant


Compass Plant is a long-lived perennial found in much of the Central and Southern Plains, Eastern and Northeastern United States. This wildflower develops a a broad, very deep taproot descending past 10 feet in prairie soils.


  • Usually found on prairie slopes, hillsides and disturbed areas
  • Prefers dry, rocky or sandy soils
  • Characterized by a central stem that is thick with conspicuous white hairs
  • Mature heights of 5-8 feet
  • Member of the sunflower family
  • Preferred by livestock because of it's palatability
  • Taproot can reach up to 15 feet contributing to it's longevity and drought tolerance
  • Produces large, broad yellow flowers that bloom during summer
  • Two to three years needed for full maturity
  • Attracts pollinators
  • Deer resistant specie


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