Sweet Joe Pye Weed

Plant Height 5-6 FT
Seed Count 700,000 Seeds per LB
Botanical Name Eupatorium purpureum
Life Cycle Perennial
Environment Partial Shade
Preferred Sites Mesic Soils
Bloom Period July-September
Flower Color Pink
Pollinator Value Excellent


Sweet Joe Pye Weed


Sweet Joe Pye Weed can be found growing in the eastern half of the United States

  • Prefers partial sun to light shade
  • fertile, moist soil conditions found in wet savannahs and woodlands
  • Reaching a height of 3-7 feet,
  • Topped with a rounded inflorescent of pink flowers from July-September
  • During this time, it is frequented by many butterflies and other nectar and pollen seeking insects
  • This perennial is an excellent plant for butterfly gardens or rain gardens that are in limited in sunlight exposure.


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